How to turn a normal bike into an electric bicycle

If you have a bike and want pedal assistance, here’s what you should do! We explain how to build an electric bicycle with the best ebike conversion kit. It is now there for everyone to see: the bicycle, especially if electric, can be a solution for urban mobility. However, for those who have an old […]
Why are electric bikes environmentally friendly?

With an electric bike, there is no emission of particles! Greenhouse gases are the first substance we talk about when it comes to global warming. And nowadays, most energies emit this type of gas that is harmful to the planet. Indeed, fuel oil, oil, metals…, all have had major effects on the average temperature of […]
E-bike: the future of sustainable mobility

Looking at the data on the policies adopted by our cities for urban mobility, it is strongly necessary to find solutions that can decongest vehicular traffic, increase road safety, reduce parking and travel times and, above all, improve air quality. In this scenario, electric bicycles appear as well as the natural response to these needs […]
Electric Fat Tires Bike: Cycling has never been so exciting!

So have you decided to join the world of electric bikes by buying an Electric Fat Tires Bike?