ZEFAL K-Traz M14 Lock


K-Traz M14 Lock

A tough hardened steel chain lock using Zefal’s patented double locking ‘Z Safe High Protection’ system. High resistance against twisting and torquing.


  • Z Safe: Powerful double lokcing system. High resistance against impacts and twists
  • Protective coating: The chain is encased in a fabric to protect the bike’s paintwork
  • Key services: Duplication of keys in case of loss, with a unique serial number for remaking specific keys


  • Level of Security: 14 – For areas with a moderate risk of theft
  • Material: Hardened Steel
  • Dimensions: 120 x 650 x 45mm
  • Weight: 2kg
  • Mounting: Wraps easily around the frame
  • Key: 3 Included

Directions for use

Chain locks offer extra length for greater locking versatility.

– All-day parking in an area with a low risk of theft (residential areas, low density…)
– Short-term parking in an area with a moderate risk of theft (medium-sized cities, university campuses, etc.)
– Attached for a few hours to a bike rack on a car (bike rack itself fitted with an anti-theft device)

Can be used with other higher-security locks

Maintenance instructions

Your lock will be exposed to the weather, as moisture and dust as well as cold can affect its function. Care and cleaning of a lock will extend its life and keep it functioning properly.


Product designed by our R&D department in France

Quality Commitment

The commitment to quality is one of our major concerns. If you encounter any difficulties with this product, please contact our quality department.

